Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 14

Today we had the great pleasure to visit the Bindu Art School in Bhatarapurnam which was started only a few years ago. The student are all leprosy-affected, many have lost fingers or hands or have failing eyesight. Before the school, many of these now-artists lived as beggars. Now they express themselves through art, learning different styles and painting everyday.

It is amazing to watch them work, manipulating the brush with diseased hands to create masterpieces. And they are beautiful. Both the people and the paintings. These leprosy-afflicted artists, perhaps more than anyone, deserve to depict the bleak, dark scenes of their lives. But instead, the art is joyful with vibrant colors and scenes rich with enthusiastic details.

I was delighted to learn that their art has been shown in New Delhi and Vienna with plans for future tours. Their art is quickly gaining popularity. I couldn't help but buy a painting
(but not the one in the above picture). I selected one illustrating a small Indian village at night. It was perfect for me. I love India at night. I love that feeling- after the students are in bed, walking home under the stars (if it isn't too cloudy) and making my way through barely visible palm trees as I think about the day's experiences and anticipate what the next day will hold.

For me, the Bindu Art School characterizes Rising Star. Out of adversity comes beauty. Out of pain and suffering come joy and compassion. Out of a group shunned by society comes a people so gifted and courageous that they are certain to change the world.


  1. Beautiful. The people, their art, and your writing. I'll look forward to seeing the painting you chose.

  2. I love reading your insights
