Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 4

Today we went to Mamallapuram. Since it is Saturday, we got to do a bit of shopping and sightseeing. Check out this giant rock! The man sitting under it give some perspective. It is called Krishna's Butterball. It is not the size that it so impressive but the way that it is perched on the sloping hill as if it is about to roll off. They don't know how it got there and have tried unsuccessfully to move it so now it just stands in defiance of physics.

I bought this bracelet from a man that was making shoes for another volunteer. It was interesting to watch them work. You can't see it but he stamped my initials into the leather. Not bad for 100 Rupees (or about $2.50).

Oh and we saw the beach!

This is a abbreviated post but I am so tired now that I am falling asleep typing so I am going to go to bed.



  1. Cool rock -- it looks like you could just blow on it and it would roll down...

  2. I dig the sunglasses. That rock is awesome!
